
OGC Nice's Alexis Beka Beka in safety after suicide threat

Julie Marchetti
Alexis Beka Beka in training with Nice
Alexis Beka Beka in training with NiceProfimedia
According to France Bleu, the OGC Nice player threatened to jump off the Magnan viaduct on Friday morning. He was finally taken into care.

Alexis Beka Beka (22) reportedly went onto the Magnan viaduct and threatened to commit suicide this Friday morning, according to several local media and France Bleu.

The road was neutralised and police officers, firefighters and a psychologist were deployed to the scene.

He was eventually taken care of by the assistance deployed to the scene and is said to be fine.

The French international has yet to play this season. He was also rarely called on last season (14 appearances).